Four Comedies

by Kenneth P. Langer

Comedy is how we cope with the absurdity of life. The person who cannot step back and see how ludicrous are most of the things we encounter in life is the person who gets mired and engulfed in them. Comedy lets us step back and see the whole picture. It reminds us of what is really important which certainly includes laughing and laughing often.

These four comedies each take on several situations but exaggerate them until they become enlarged and laughable. To each are added an unusual use of standard theatrical tradition. A writer of one play becomes involved with his own characters. Another play actually moves backward in time. One comedy is actually two separate plays that come together while another claims to be a musical but has no singing whatsoever.

Come along for the fun and laughter and lighten your burdens for a while.


  • ISBN:
  • Publication Date: September 2018
  • Paperback Price: $16.99
  • E-book Price: $3.99
  • Edition: First
  • Pages: 275
  • Images: 0
  • Charts: 0
  • Binding: Perfect
  • Features:
    • Four unique full-length comedies



    • detectives from the Bureau of National Investigative Central Enforcement are on the case when a young girl is found dead for at least 30 seconds in a city park. Their undercover investigation leads them to a medical spa where agents get the full treatment as they uncover important clues.

Looking Back

    • A young man makes an important decision then decides not to go through with it. The consequences of his actions are seen in reverse as the play moves backwards in time giving the young man a chance to change his mind.

In 3-D

    • Two plays about two different apartments and the people who live within them collide. It seems that both plays booked the same hall for the same rehearsal times and neither one is changing their schedule. At first they try to share the stage but, before long, the two plays end up merging and converging.

The Corner Cafe - The Unmusical

    • In a tiny cafe on the streets of Paris many different people come together to celebrate Bastille Day. A young family, two women on vacation, a flirtatious entrepreneur, and a cold-hearted businessman meet and interact as the parade goes by and their lives change with it. They love the food. They love the sights. Most of all, they love to sing about anything and everything. The only problem is: they never get a chance to make music.


Comedies Preview.pdf